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Posts Tagged ‘DemoSite

Hello Useful Visitor!!!

with 2 comments

Logo as created at SI Camp

Our logo as created at SI Camp

From my head to paper to the company of geeks, businessmen and philosophers, Useful Visitors is taking shape.

Our plan is to change the shape of international volunteering and skillshare forever. I’m glad you’ve come to this blog to either see us for the first time or to see how things have moved since the last time.

For starters, you can check out the Demo site we created at Social Innovation Camp December ’08.

Over the next 6 weeks we’ll be working to finish the Beta Site so we can start piloting.

Already we have gotten introduction to a few corporate bigwigs who can help out on the supply side for visitors. Conversations have also started with a few big organisations with access to SMEs and social entrepreneurs in our target pilot countries. As well we are working on finalising the process and the legal terms and conditions.

The countdown has started to our tentative launch date February 02, 2009 – next year but not quite far away ;-)). We’ll keep you in the loop of progress on the way!!!

Written by femilonge

December 8, 2008 at 9:06 pm